The Godfather: The lost years
Denna boken håller jag på och läsa. Detta är så att såga fortsättningen på Gudfasdern. Men.. denna bok finns bara på engelska vilket är lite dåligt... så jag håller just nu på och tragglar mig igen denna bok på engelska. Men det gör inget att den är på engelska eftersom att handlingen och boken är så fantastisk att man ändå älskar Mario Puzos sätt att skriva! Man kan helt enkelt inte låta bli att ryckas med i boken!
Men jag måste vrana er! Denna bokrecension blir på engelska eftersom att boken är på engelska.
Om The Godfather: The lost years
Författare: Mario Puzo
Genre: Klassiker
The Godfather: The Lost Years takes place in the years 1955-65, but it is built upon the story of that "year of delicate political manoeuvring" - and how, in winning the battle of that year, Michael Corleone set the stage to lose the war: the war to make the Family legitimate, the war to keep the Corleones supremely in power, the war to stay true to his father's wishes, the war to give not just his Family but his family a safe and happy life. The Godfather: The Lost Years is not just a sequel. A magnificent novel in its own right, by an acclaimed young American novelist, it traces: the nexus of ambitious, audacious decisions that Michael Corleone implements, their ultimate failure, and, after the Family's literal and figurative years in the wilderness (of Las Vegas), Michael's literal, physical return to New York, and his attempts to regain control there.
Men jag måste vrana er! Denna bokrecension blir på engelska eftersom att boken är på engelska.
Om The Godfather: The lost years
Författare: Mario Puzo
Genre: Klassiker
The Godfather: The Lost Years takes place in the years 1955-65, but it is built upon the story of that "year of delicate political manoeuvring" - and how, in winning the battle of that year, Michael Corleone set the stage to lose the war: the war to make the Family legitimate, the war to keep the Corleones supremely in power, the war to stay true to his father's wishes, the war to give not just his Family but his family a safe and happy life. The Godfather: The Lost Years is not just a sequel. A magnificent novel in its own right, by an acclaimed young American novelist, it traces: the nexus of ambitious, audacious decisions that Michael Corleone implements, their ultimate failure, and, after the Family's literal and figurative years in the wilderness (of Las Vegas), Michael's literal, physical return to New York, and his attempts to regain control there.